HomeReligionHinduismSanatana Dictionary: Words With Their Meaning in Sanatana Dharma

Sanatana Dictionary: Words With Their Meaning in Sanatana Dharma

Sanatana Dharma Dictionary: In this article, we will learn about the words and their meanings used in Sanatana Dharma. It will help everyone understand the meaning of the Sanatana and Hindu dharma words. These definitions are mainly translated from “आर्योद्देश्यरत्नमाला (aryodeshyaratnamala)” which is written by Swami Dayanand Saraswati.

Word and word meaning in Sanatan Dharma

This article throws light on the actual meaning of words used in Sanatana. Our effort is to provide deep but understandable meaning of the words we use in daily life.

God (Ishwar)

Whose qualities, deeds, nature and form are Truth, who is only animate object and who is a unique almighty, formless, all-pervasive, eternal and infinite etc. Truth, and whose nature is indestructible, knowledgeable, blissful, pure, just, merciful and unborn. Whose work is to create, maintain and destroy the world and to deliver the fruits of sin and virtue to all living beings properly; He is called God.

Religion (Dharma)

Whose form is to follow the order of God and to do justice without any bias for the benefit of all. This is the one religion which is worthy of being followed by all human beings, being verified by the evidence and the Vedas; It is called ‘Dharma’.

Unrighteousness (Adharma)

Whose form is to do one’s own interest by leaving the command of God and without being unjust with partiality, by examining. In which ignorance, stubbornness, pride, cruelty etc. is against Vedavidya due to defects, therefore this unrighteousness is worthy of leaving all humans, it is called ‘unrighteousness’

Punya (good deed)

The form of which is the donation of auspicious qualities like learning and truthful language etc., it is called ‘Punya’

Sin (Paap)

which misrepresent, called ‘sin’.

Truth speech

Always speak the truth as per what is in your soul and free from impossible defects; It is called ‘truthful speech’.

False speech

Which is against truthful speech i.e. speaking the truth; It is called ‘false speech’.

Faith (Vishwash)

Whose original meaning and result should be true by determination; His name is ‘Vishvas’.

Disbelief (avishwash)

Which is the opposite of belief. The one who does not have any meaning, he says ‘disbelief’.


In which by attaining God by doing Satyavidya, ultimate happiness is to be attained in this birth or rebirth and salvation; That is called ‘Parlok’.


Which is opposite to the other world in which one has to suffer special sorrows; He says ‘Aparlok’.

Birth (Janma)

In which being united with a body the soul is capable of doing work; That is called ‘birth’.

Death (Mrityu)

The body which is attained by the organism and performs actions, the separation of that body and the organism at some point of time; That is called ‘death’.

Heaven (Swarga)

The special happiness and the material of happiness is to be received by the creature; He says ‘heaven’.

Hell (Nark)

The special sorrow and the material of sorrow is to be received by the creature; That is called ‘hell’.

Vidya (knowledge)

By being a true science of things from God to the earth, we have to take appropriate favour from them; is called ‘Vidya’.

Avidya (bad knowledge)

That which is opposite to Vidya is illusion, darkness and ignorance; That’s why it is called ‘Avidya’.

Satpurush (Goodman)

who is truthful, pious, scholar, benefactor and gentleman of all; They are called ‘Satpurush’.


The one who gets rid of falsehood and attains the truth is called ‘Satsang’ and the one who gets trapped in sins is called ‘Kusang’.

Pilgrimage (Tirthyatra)

All the studies, good thoughts, worship of God, religious rituals, company of truth, celibacy, Jitendriyatadi, and perfect deeds, all of them are called ‘pilgrimage’ because by doing this the living beings can cross the ocean of sorrow.

Praise (Stuti)

Which is to know, speak, listen and speak the truth of God or any other substance; She says praise.

Fruit of praise (Stuti ka fal)

By doing virtues, knowledge etc., there is love in the substance having virtues; This is called the fruit of praise.

Condemnation (Ninda)

Condemnation is the name of the action of false knowledge, false speech, insistence etc. in lies etc. in which the guna has to be replaced

Prayer (Prarthana)

After one’s full effort, taking the help of God or any powerful person for the accomplishment of good deeds is called ‘prayer’.

Fruit of prayer (Prarthana ka fal)

The destruction of pride, moisture in the soul, effort in the acquisition of virtues, and the presence of great love are the fruits of prayer.

Worship (Upasana)

By which one has to engross one’s soul in the joy of God; That is called ‘worship’.

a. Nirgunopasana

Knowing the God who is free from the qualities of sound, touch and form, taste, smell, coincidence-separation, light, heavy, ignorance, birth, death and sorrow etc., who has to worship him; That is called ‘Nirgunopasana’.

b. Sagunopasana

Knowing the one who is omniscient, omnipotent, pure, eternal, blissful, all-pervasive, one, eternal, all-doer, all-supporting, all-master, all-controlling, all-conquering, auspicious, all-blissful, all-father, creator of all the worlds, justice-doer, merciful etc. God is to be worshipped; So it is called ‘Sagunopasana’.

Salvation (Mukti or Moksha)

Mukti Means by which one gets free from all evil deeds and sorrows of birth and death and attains God and lives in happiness called ‘Moksha’.

Means of Salvation (moksha ke sadhana)

That is, the grace of the aforesaid God, Praise, prayer and worship and conduct of religion, doing virtue, Satsang, faith, pilgrimage, the company of good men, doing all good deeds and abstaining from all evil deeds, all these are called ‘means of salvation’.

Doer (Karta)

The one who is free to do actions, i.e. the one who has all the resources under his control, is called ‘doer’.

Cause/Reason (Karan)

The one who does it only by accepting it Work can make a thing, that is, without which a thing cannot be made, it is called ’cause’, so it is of three types.

a. Substantive cause (Upadan Karan)

That which can be generated or something can be made by accepting it, as a pot is made from clay; It is called ‘material cause’.

b. Nimitt Karan

The one who makes like a potter makes a pitcher, such things are called ‘Nimitt Karan’.

c. Sadharna karan (Simple reason)

Like chalk, stick etc and direction, there is sky and light; They are called ‘Simple Reasons’.

Work (Karya)

This comes in handy due to the special combination of a substance, which is capable of doing; He calls that cause the ‘action’.

Nature (Srishti)

By creating the doer is capable of behaving in the present by becoming special in various ways due to some coincidence; It is called ‘Srishti’.

Caste (Jati)

Which remains from birth till death. Who Received in one form in many persons. Those who are created by God i.e. humans, cows, horses and trees are groups; They are taken from the word ‘caste’.

Humans (manav, manushya)

That is, those who do not do any work without thinking; His name is ‘Manushya’.


Those who have been living in the country for the whole day with the best nature, philanthropist, true scholar, virtuous and Aryavarta, they are called ‘Arya’.

Aryavartta Desh

The Himalayas, the Vindhyachal, the Indus River and the Brahmaputra River between these four and as far as their extent is in the middle of them; His name is ‘Aryavartta’.

Dasyu (Anarya)
Non-Aryan means the one who is different from the nature and residence of clumsy Aryans, robbers, thieves, and violent or evil men, he is called ‘dasyu’.


Which is accepted by the combination of qualities and deeds. This is the meaning of Varna.

Types of Varna

Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudradis; They call it ‘Varna’.


Those who work hard to imbibe the best qualities and do the best work are called ‘Ashram’.

Types of Ashram

There are four types of Ashramas in Sanatan.

Brahmachari: The celibate increase the strength of the soul and the body through the acquisition of auspicious qualities and the Jitendriya

Grihashram: Those who live in home and society, produce children like themselves, bring up those children, they follow the Grihastha ashram.

Vanaprastha Ashram: One who retires for thought follows Vanprasth

Sanyas Ashram: Those who sacrifice everything for the welfare of all and engage in the service of the world

Yajna (Yagya)

That which is done for the benefit of the world is Yagya.


The effort that a living person makes through the mind, senses, and body is called ‘karma’. It is of three types, auspicious, inauspicious and mixed.


Which is done in the present is called Kriyamana Karma.

Accumulated (Sanchit)

which is accumulated in the knowledge of action; It is called ‘accumulated’.


The result or the fruit in the form of happiness and sorrow of the deeds done in the past is called ‘Prarabdha’.

Eternal substance (anadi padarth)

The cause of the three substances; God, the living being and the whole world, are ‘eternal’ in nature.

Eternal matter from the flow (pravah se anadi padarth)

The work of the world, the actions of the soul and the combination and separation of them; These three are ‘eternal’ by tradition.

Form of Eternal (Anadi ka swaroop)

The one who has never been born, the one who has no reason whatsoever, the one who has proved himself always and always remains present is called ‘Eternal’.


That is, leaving laziness always, for the achievement of good behavior, do utmost industry with mind, body, speech and money; That is called ‘Purusharth’.

Types of Pursharth

These four types of actions are called ‘Purushartha’.

  1. Dharm: desiring the unattainable thing
  2. Arth: To protect well what is received;
  3. Kama: To increase the reserve and
  4. Moksha: Spend the earned material in the advancement and benefits for all is Moksha

Philanthropy (Paropkar)

To make efforts for the happiness of other beings with all your ability, which you have to try with your body, mind and money; is called ‘philanthropy’.

Courtesy (Shishtachar)

In which good qualities are adopted and inauspicious qualities are abandoned; That’s called etiquette.

Virtue (Sadachar)

The Vedokta conduct of good men has been followed from the creation till today, in which the behaviour of the truth and the untruth has been abandoned; That is called ‘virtue’.

Vidyapustak (Knowledge book)

Divine, eternal, truthful four Vedas; They are called ‘Vidya Pustak’.

Acharya (teacher)

The one who teaches all the knowledge by imbibing the best conduct; He is called “Acharya”.


The one who follows from semen donation to feeding; Due to this, the father is called ‘Guru’ and the one who dispels the darkness of ignorance from the heart with his true teachings is also called ‘Guru’.

Guest (Atithi)

Who does not have any fixed date in coming and going and who, being a scholar, travels everywhere and does favor to all living beings by preaching questions and answers; He is called ‘guest’.

Panchayatan Puja

One has to please the living mother, father, teacher, guest and God by giving proper hospitality, It is called ‘Panchayatan Puja’.

Pooja (worship)

Which is to honor the one who has knowledge and qualities; That is called ‘worship’.


which is inert matter without knowledge and which is not worthy of hospitality; The hospitality he has to do; She says ‘Apuja’.

Root (jad)

The object which is devoid of knowledge etc. qualities; It is called ‘root’.

Conscious (Chetan)

The substance which is full of knowledge etc. qualities; It is called ‘Chetan’.

Bhavana (emotions)

Whatever is the thing, make the same determination with the thought that the subject of which is free from illusion, that is, to understand it as it is; That is called ‘feeling’.

Abhavna (lack)

Abhavna is opposite to Bhavna, that is, by false knowledge, we have to know other determination in others like we determine consciousness in root and root in consciousness; That is called ‘lack’.


The one who knows truth and falsehood with conscience is righteous, truthful,scholar and beneficial to all, is called a ‘Pundit’.

Fool (Moorkh)

The one who is ignorant, obstinate, obstinate with faults is called ‘fool’.

Elder-junior behaviour (jyesth kanishtha vyavhar)

To be mutually accepted by elders and younger ones; That is called senior junior behaviour.


The one who has to do industry in increasing everyone’s happiness with body, mind and wealth; It is called ‘sarvahit’.

abandonment of theft (chori ka tyag)

Without the permission of the owner to take a thing is called ‘stealing’ and to leave it is called ‘abandonment of theft’.

abstinence from fornication

Without own wife, going with another woman and donate semen to one’s wife without the season, and destroy the semen with own’s wife too much and marry without youth; All this is called ‘adultery’. The name of leaving these things are ‘abstinence from fornication’.

Nature of Living things (jiva ka swaroop)

The one who is conscious, ignorant, desires, hatred, effort, happiness, sorrow and knowledgeable and eternal is called ‘Jiva’.

Nature (Swabhav)

The natural quality of an object, such as form in fire, burning means as long as that object remains. Till then even that quality of his does not leave, that is why it is called ‘Swabhav’.

Holocaust (Pralay)

The work which is the cause of the world, that is, the reasons for which God creates the world, that after creating many works and keeping them in the form of the cause again, its name is ‘holocaust’.


Those who are happy in deceit, hypocrisy, selfishness, pride, arrogance, deceit etc. are faults; This is called ‘Maya’. And the man who is possessed by it; He says ‘Mayavi’.


One who is a blameless, pious, a scholar, satyopedeshta, being kind to everyone, destroying the darkness of ignorance, let the light of the sun in the form of knowledge always shine in the souls of ignorant people; It is called ‘apt’.

Examination (Pareeksha)

Which is to determine the truth according to the eight proofs, Vedavidya, purification of the soul and the thoughts favorable to the order of creation; It is called ‘examination’.

Characteristics (lakshan)

By which the goal is known which is its natural quality. As fire is known from the form. That’s why it is called ‘characteristic’.

Theorem (Prameya)

Which is known from the proofs as the theorem form of the eye means. that which is perceived by the senses; It is called ‘theorem’.


Pratyaksha is known by the close relation of hearing and mind with famous verbal substances; That is called ‘direct’.

Conjecture / Guess (Anuman)

After directly seeing the part of a previously seen substance, its invisible part, which is known as it is; It is called ‘conjecture’.

Analogical (Upman / alankarik)

Like someone said to someone that blue cow is equal to cow; The one who gets knowledge by analogy is called ‘analogical’.


Shastra is related to the rendering of Satyavidyas and by which humans get true education; It is called ‘Shastra’.


The four books from Isvarokta, Satyavidya se Riksanhita, from which humans get true knowledge; They are called ‘Vedas’.


The ancient Aitreya, Shatpath Brahmanadi Rishi Munikrit Satyarth is the book; They are called ‘Puranas’, ‘History’, ‘Kalpa’, ‘Gatha’, ‘Narashansi’.


Upveda is Ayurveda medicine, which is Dhanurveda weapon science, Rajdharma, which is Gandharvaveda song and Arthveda which is craftsmanship; These four are called ‘Upveda’.


which are education, kalpa, grammar, nirukta, chhanda and astrology arsh Sanatan Shastra; These are called ‘Vedang’.


The six scriptures which are the sages, Mimansa, Vaisheshik, Nyaya, Yoga, Sankhya and Vedanta, are called ‘Upang’.

Namaste (Hello)

I ‘accept you’.

This is the end of Aryoddeshyaratnamala.

Read More: Moksha To The Departed Soul or Rest In Peace (RIP)

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