Vitamin B is a water-soluble that helps in metabolism of the body. One should note that Vitamin B is not a single vitamin, it comprises of eight water-soluble vitamins. Each vitamin has distinct features and functions. The eight vitamins are popularly known as vitamin B complex. The eight vitamins that fall under the vitamin B complex are Vitamin B1 or Thiamine, Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin, Vitamin B3 or Niacin, Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid, Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine, Vitamin B7, Vitamin H or biotin, Vitamin B8 or Myo-inositol, Vitamin B9 and Vitamin B12 or Cobalamin.
Deficiency of Vitamin B
Several deficiency effects may be observed from the lack of an appropriate amount of B vitamins. Vitamin B1 or Thiamine Deficiency may cause Beriberi and other diseases like weight loss, pain in the limbs, irregular heartbeat, impaired sensory perception, and edema or swelling of bodily tissues. Chronic thiamine deficiency may lead to Korsakoff’s syndrome, an internal psychological problem characterized by amnesia and a disproportionate attitude. The deficiency of Vitamin B2 or Riboflavin leads to Ariboflavinosis. The major symptoms on this disease are cheilosis or insensitive skin, inflammation of the tongue, seborrheic dermatitis or skin problems, pharyngitis and edema or swelling of tissues. Shortage of Vitamin B3 or Niacin Deficiency causes Pellagra. The symptoms in this disease are dermatitis, physical weakness, insomnia, diarrhea and physiological dysfunctions. Pellagra may lead to death in extreme conditions.
A deficiency of Vitamin B5 or Pantothenic acid may result in skin problems like acne and rashes. A deficiency of Vitamin B6 or Pyridoxine may lead to depression, anemia, dermatitis, water retention, and high blood pressure. Vitamin B7 may hinder growth and cause neurological disorders in children. A deficiency of Vitamin B9 or Folic acid Deficiency may result in severe anemia. Pregnant women with a deficiency of vitamin B9 are prone to birth defects. The deficiency of Vitamin B12 or Cyanocobalamin may lead to severe anemia, memory loss and other physiological deficits. Vitamin B offers a wide array of health benefits. The water-soluble vitamin B is spread throughout the body with the excess removed through the urine.
The various general functions of vitamin B include:
- Enhancement of cell metabolism
- Enhancement of Healthy skin and muscle tone
- Development of an immune and nervous system
- Promote cell growth like the growth of red blood cells that help prevent anemia and various related diseases.
Source of Vitamin B
The sources of Vitamin B are varied and diverse. Vitamin B can be derived from a number of natural ingredients like potatoes, lentils, bananas, chili peppers, liver oil, liver, turkey, and tuna. Brewer’s yeast and molasses are two major sources of Vitamin B. Beer is a good source of Vitamin B due to the presence of Brewer’s Yeast. It is very necessary to increase the intake of Vitamin B in the body. People can consult nutrition experts and dieticians who can help them by preparing diet chart with an adequate balance of vitamin B.
Read also: Vitamin A: About, Benefits and losses