The United States Department of Agriculture is often called USDA. Being a United States Federal Executive Department, the USDA is an agricultural department of the United States of America. The USDA food pyramid is considered the main food pyramid that is followed almost in every country. The purpose of The United States Department of Agriculture is to improve as well as fulfill the policy on farming. To fulfill the purposes of this organization, the United States Department of Agriculture emphasizes on the needs and demands of the farmers and ranchers. This organization always tries to promote agricultural trade as well as the production of agricultural things.
The improved American food guide pyramid was created by the United States Department of Agriculture or USDA. The Food pyramid or USDA food pyramid was publicized in the year 1992. This is an improved and balanced food pyramid. Being an agricultural organization, the United States Department of Agriculture suggests how much food and what types of food one should eat each day. Basically, the food pyramid is a basic and important structure of food chains with the principal ingredients at the topmost level of the pyramid. Each level of the USDA food pyramid preys on the level below.
About Food Pyramid
On the 19th of April of the year 2005, the United States Department of Agriculture released the food guide pyramid which is known as the USDA food pyramid. The successor of the USDA food pyramid was known as My Pyramid. My Pyramid was released by the United States Department of Agriculture. ‘My Pyramid’ is mainly an update on the omnipresent United States food guide pyramid. The update on the United States food pyramid was done very carefully and after prolonged research as well as observation. The new icon of the USDA food pyramid emphasizes regular activity and also avoids extreme qualities along with a perfect blend of different food categories in one food diet. The food pyramid is a basic nutrition guide to one’s daily diet.
Benefits of Food Pyramid
The food guide pyramid is a well-planned daily guideline for nutrition to keep a person physically fit and strong. The daily food pyramid or USDA food pyramid is described in an easier way to keep you healthy. The daily food pyramid or USDA food pyramid should be maintained according to your age. Adult boys or girls are more active than others, so they need more carbohydrate and nutrition-based foods. Daily meals should consist of the proper amount of vitamins, carbohydrates, minerals, fats, proteins and water. There are several more additional foods described in the USDA food pyramid.
The successor of the USDA food pyramid measures food quantities in ounces and cups in spite of ‘servings’. Apart from these, the USDA food pyramid also adds a new symbol to the food pyramid chart. The symbol of the USDA food pyramid shows a person on the stairs. It is interpreting physical activity and a healthy human being.
Read also: Food Pyramid Tracker: About and Benefits